Tales Of The Rocket Patrol Read online

Page 3

  While the people didn’t seem impressed with the early dismissal, the promise to stay in town and hear everyone out was enough to satisfy them as they left the courthouse and went back to their homes peacefully. Roderick walked Mr. Montgomery over to the Sheriff’s office and tossed the old man in a cell next to the one the housed his two thugs. “Sorry for taking up so much space in your jail.” He said as he locked the old man in his cell.

  “What is Mr. Montgomery doing here?” Jerry asked.

  “Do you care to tell him, Sir, or should I?” Roderick asked the old man who was now sitting on the cot and trying to calm down.

  “I want to speak to my lawyer!” Montgomery snapped back.

  “Well, that’s your right. We’ve got other matters to take care of.” Roderick said as he turned to the Sheriff. “Jerry, I need you and two of your deputies.”

  “What’s going on?” the Sheriff asked as he hopped out of his chair.

  Roderick grinned. “We need to make three more arrests.”

  Roderick, the sheriff and two of his deputies took four horses from the stables and rode them out of town. When told how far out they had to go, the Sheriff insisted on going by horseback because he was too old to be strolling that far out of town by foot. Roderick understood and didn’t mind taking a horse. It was something he’s had to do more than once whenever visiting the town that looked down on any mode of tech transport. Roderick had always wanted to learn how to ride, so visiting this colony helped him learn the right way, which was useful whenever he had to use horses to track down an outlaw with the Sheriff.

  “Your riding skills have improved.” The Sheriff noticed.

  “I’ve had lots of practice.” Roderick said as he rode with the three men towards the location where the unmarked ship was. It only took the better part of ten minutes to ride towards the spot where the unmarked vessel was located. There were two men watching the spacecraft, waiting for the men on Mrs. Wilson’s land.

  The Sheriff turned to face Roderick. “What do you suggest we do?”

  “I prefer we act in a way that doesn’t result in us having to shot anyone.” Roderick replied. “I know you don’t like these things, but we’re out of town and they’re used to bring peaceful ends to what could potentially be a shoot out.” Roderick pulled out a small sphere from his pocket which wasn’t any larger than a tennis ball.

  “What the hell is that?” The Sheriff asked.

  “It’s a short range, EMP charge.” Roderick answered as he tossed the sphere when the two men’s backs were turned. The ball landed softly on the ground and rolled until it was underneath the spacecraft.

  “Nice toss.” One of the deputies commented.

  “Thanks.” Roderick replied as he tapped the back of his ear. “Activate.”

  The two men realized something was wrong when the ship lost all power and went offline. That was when Roderick, the Sheriff and his two deputies came riding over the hill and down towards the two men who were taken completely by surprise. They tried to draw their weapons only to find out that they were also affected by the small device.

  “Throw up your hands.” the Sheriff called out. “You’re both under arrest.”

  “On what charge?” one of the men called out.

  “How about flying an unmarked spacecraft…” Roderick answered as he strolled up. “That’s a big no no with the Rocket Patrol.” One of the men tried to grab a metal pipe, but Roderick was too quick as he drew his phaser and floored him with a stun shot. Rather than risk anything, he turned the weapon on his friend and floored him with a stun shot as well. He turned to the Sheriff. “Have your men watch these jokers while we find out what their friends are doing on Mrs. Wilson’s land.”

  “Sounds good to me.” The Sheriff replied as he nodded to his men. “Secure the prisoners and we’ll be back soon.”

  ”Yes Sir.” one of the deputies replied as he hopped off his horse and proceeded to cuff both men’s hands behind their backs.

  “Let’s get the rest of them.” The Sheriff growled as he kicked his horse in the ribs and charged back up the hill. It only took a few moments to ride towards the section of land where Roderick’s ship told him they were prospecting. When Roderick and the Sheriff arrived on the scene, it was evident that they were doing more than just looking around. “They’re actually digging for something.”

  “What could possibly be down there?” Roderick asked.

  “How the hell should I know?” The sheriff replied.

  “I am not detecting any minerals below them, Commander.”

  “I’ve got this feeling they’re not looking for anything that was naturally in there.” Roderick thought as he reigned in his steed. “I think they’re looking for something that was buried there.”

  “I’m not smitten to wait and find out.” The Sheriff said as he kicked his horse and charged the two men. “Hands up!” He called as he rode down towards where the two men were standing.

  While it was evident that the two men were surprised, they had come prepared as they both pulled out disruptors and fired at the Sheriff. Both of them had missed but the second shot knocked the lawman off his horse and sent him crashing to the group. Roderick came charging up behind him to assist but one of the two remaining thugs grabbed the sheriff and held the disruptor to his head. “I want you to drop your lazer and surrender, or the old man gets it.”

  Roderick hopped off his steed and did as he was told, dropping the lazer pistol the ground. “Relax Sheriff, it’s going to be all right.”

  “Now kick it over here!” the thug called out.

  Roderick was about to kick it but instead he grabbed another ball from his belt and tossed it into the middle of the area where the thugs were. At first they all thought it was a grenade based on how it looked, but it wasn’t. It was another short range EMP and while people were busy trying to find cover the charge went off, disabling all their disruptors. Roderick’s lazer pistol however was not effected, nor was his link to Red. Both were made with chips that were immune to EMP blasts. Roderick picked his lazer pistol back up and immediately fired it at the thugs, knocking two off their feet and to the ground. The third that was holding the sheriff charged at Roderick and was able to tackle the Ranger before he got a third shot off. The two of them rolled on the ground and wrestled for the only working pistol there, but finally Roderick got the best of him and used the butt of his gun to pistol whip the man into unconsciousness. The forth man was also near Roderick and was carrying a large rock over his head, ready to hurl it at the Ranger.

  It was this point where a shot rang out. The man standing there with his rock dropped the boulder to the ground as he began to bleed from the hole that just opened in his chest cavity. Roderick turned around to see where the shot had come from. Standing there with her young daughter was Mrs. Wilson, who was holding a shotgun. She pumped the barrel and looked around. “These men are trespassing on my land. I have every right to shoot them.”

  Roderick smiled as he stood up. “Yes, you do. It’s also legal to shoot someone if you do so in assistance of an officer of the law. So what you did was perfectly legal, even if this turd doesn’t make it.”

  The Sheriff who was unharmed got back to his feet and used the cuffs he had on him to immobilize the other three thugs who were only stunned. He tipped his hat in Mrs. Wilson’s direction. “Thanks for your help, Mrs. Wilson.”

  “I came as soon as I heard someone was over here doing something.” Mrs. Wilson said as she looked over at Roderick. “This is the second time you’ve helped us out.”

  “I think you helped us this time too.” Roderick said as he walked over to the where the men were excavating. “What on Jupiter’s moon are they digging for down there?”

  “Scanners indicate that it’s a small metallic object, Commander.”

  Mrs. Wilson walked over to it as well. “The reason why my husband bought this ground was to search for relics from the species that used to live here. A single artefact could be sold for te
ns of thousands of credits on the open market.”

  Roderick paused for a moment as he listened to Red give him more readings of the soil. “There are at least three four or five feet deeper form this hole. If you keep digging after we go, you should have more than enough to fund further digs.”

  “How do you know that?” Mrs. Wilson asked.

  “I can’t tell you.” Roderick answered. “But it’s true.”

  “Thanks for your help.” Emma called out as she ran up and Roderick a big hug.

  “You’re welcome.” Roderick said as he turned to the Sheriff. “We’ll take these guys back to the jail and I’ll have a transport come down and take them all to the capital planet to stand trail.”

  “Good.” The Sheriff said as he let out a deep sigh. “Cause it’s getting rather crowded in there.”

  “I know.” Roderick said as he picked two men up off the ground. “Let’s get moving, it’s a long walk back to town!”

  It took the Sheriff and Roderick the better part of an hour to walk the prisoners back to town. With the ship the prisoners flew in on disabled by the EMP grenade, Roderick was very confident that they never had a chance to call for help which meant the ordeal was over. While riding back into town, Roderick ordered his ship to contact Rocket Patrol Command, known to officers of the patrol as the RPC, to send a ship to pick up multiple prisoners. The sun was moving behind the main planet so to avoid people getting upset by a ship land in or near their town. There was a small patch of land behind the Sheriff’s house, and that was used to land a ship at night when no one was looking to ship prisoners out of town and to RPC headquarters for processing. The ship arrived just after seven in the evening after the sun went behind the main planet. Roderick was waiting in the back when he heard the soft humming of the engine, and backed away to the door to clear the space as the cloaked ship made its landing, putting four decent sized imprints into the backyard behind the Sheriff’s office and jail. Moments later the ship uncloaked and the door opened. A man twenty years his senior stepped out of the ship. “Commander, nice to see you again.”

  “Likewise, Captain.” Roderick said as he walked up and shook the old man’s hand.

  Captain Jim Rogers was a thirty year veteran of the Rocket Patrol. He was the best pilot in the solar system and was often sent out whenever prisoners needed to be transferred or if high ranking members of government needed to be transported with discretion. Rogers was also the man who taught Roderick everything he knew about being a productive and thorough member of the Rocket Patrol. Roderick’s first assignment out of the academy was working with Roger in the same transport. That was before he became an active space ranger with a ship of his own. Rogers made Roderick the pilot he is today, probably second only to his mentor.

  “How many do you have for us, Benny?” Rogers asked.

  “You know how much I hate to be called that.” Roderick said as he scowled at the old man. “I have seven.”

  “You have been busy.” Rogers observed. “Come on rookie, we have seven scumbags who have a date with a Rocket Patrol tribunal.”

  Roderick watched as a young woman, who could be any older than twenty-three, emerged from the transport. Her Rocket Patrol uniform squeezed her elegant hour glass frame, and her blonde hair was rolled up to not only make her less distracting but also to not get in her way when flying in zero gravity between planets. “Yes, Captain.” She quickly replied as she walked past the two men and said nothing else.

  “Who’s the new rookie?” Roderick casually asked.

  “A royal pain in my ass.” Rogers said with a smile. “Her name is Miranda O’Brien, graduated top of her class last year at the academy.”

  “O’Brien?” Roderick repeated. “Irish?”

  “Not from Earth, but definitely has background from that area.” Rogers answered. “Her great, great, granpappy was born on Earth but she was born on the Irish colony in the Neptue sector.”

  “Only the Irish could put up with that planet.” Roderick replied. He’d known from experience. He was there several days and it didn’t stop raining the entire time.

  “They’re a tough bunch.” Rogers said with a smile. “Separating each nation to a planet of their own has created great peace throughout the solar system.”

  “I know.” Roderick agreed. “Having light years of space between nations rather than a thin border has done wonders for Earth.”

  “No wars for over two centuries.” Rogers admitted. “That has to be a record for that rock. In recorded history at least.”

  “Is she any good?” Roderick asked as he watched her walk one of the prisoners onboard and then walk back in to get another once he was secured onboard.

  “She reminds me of you when you were training with me.” Rogers answered.

  “In other words, she’s going to be the best?” Roderick asked.

  “Also the best pilot.” Rogers also added. “She has a bright future.”

  “Good to hear the RPC has a bright future, just in case we meet our makers sooner rather than later.” Roderick said as he watched as she walked two more prisoners onboard. “Do you need any help rookie?”

  O’Brien looked back at him. “That’s all right Commander. I’m sure you are busy enough checking out my ass every time I walk by, Sir.”

  “Do you have a problem with that, Rookie?” Rogers snapped back.

  “Of course not, Captain.” O’Brien answered. “I’m used to people staring at it, and I don’t blame them. It’s quite a sight.”

  Roderick couldn’t help but grin at the rookie’s cocky attitude, which was very similar to how he conducted himself when he was in his first full year with the Patrol. O’Brien had a bright future indeed. “She has the right attitude for the job at least.”

  “You can say that again.” Rogers agreed. “Need a lift to the HQ?”

  “Nope, I got Red here.” Roderick answered. “I also need to stay in town at least another day to finish up work here. Today’s events delayed today’s hearings.”

  “Suit yourself.” Rogers replied. “I can’t understand how you can stand living in such a tech free environment.”

  “It’s almost like going on vacation.” Roderick answered. “Sometimes a more simple life is refreshing and relaxing.”

  “Well that’s all of ’em, Benny.” Rogers said as O’Brien went back onboard without so much as a word. “She’s not big on good byes.”

  “That’s all right.” Roderick responded. “She’ll be more friendly when she gets to know me.”

  “I doubt it.” Rogers disagreed. “This is the friendliest she’s been in almost a month.”

  Roderick laughed. “Get these guys back to HQ as soon as possible. No stopovers, this is a priority one arrest and zero contact with anyone unless it’s an emergency.”

  “Understood.” Rogers said as he gave a half assed salute. “See ya around Benny, watch your six.”

  “Always do.” Roderick replied as he shook the Captain’s hand and then watched as the old man got back onboard the transport. The ship started to hover upwards and when it was about six feet off the ground, it re-cloaked so that it could leave town unnoticed. After the ship disappeared, he went back the saloon. He had to get some sleep before getting back to work on the left over arbitrations. As he walked back to the saloon, he hoped that Mags has something left over for him to eat. He would not be disappointed.

  As promised the previous day, Roderick resumed work and heard the rest of the grievances throughout the entire day. He took few breaks and was happy to be at the last case of the trip and was eager to get things settled quickly so that he wouldn’t have to stay another day. As much as he enjoyed the trips down, after a while he started to miss his condo in Capital City, which was located in the middle of Earth Colony Vega. Every time they came across a planet that looked and was very similar to Earth, it would be named after their home world out of respect to where all humans originate from. It was no where near as awesome or articulate as the original, but no
one was allowed to reside on Earth unless they were born there. Those born off world could only move back to the mother planet if they passed as series of vigorous tests. The process took years and over ninety-five percent of all applicants were denied. Earth was a nice place to visit, but residence there was restricted to prevent another overpopulation event.

  Roderick tried not to think of his condo as he heard the final case of the day. It was a dispute over cattle, as they couldn’t tell which belonged to the other whenever they mingled amongst one another. After hearing the two cattle farmers argue for well over twenty minutes, Roderick finally stepped in. “This is enough! I’m ready to rule against both of you and order all the cattle in contention slaughtered if you guys can’t come to a consensus!” The famers were stunned by the statement. Neither knew what to say. “I’m going to be back in a month and if this isn’t settled back then, I’m having red meat for dinner every night for a week. Understood?”

  They both nodded to signify their comprehension of the order. Roderick banged his gavel and the hearings were finally over. It had take over twelve hours to hear the rest of them out but it was finally done. “Warm up the engines and prepare for departure.”

  “How long do you require for packing, Commander?”

  “I’m already packed and I brought my bags to the courthouse with me.” Roderick replied. “I will be walking out of town in less than ten minutes.”

  “Warming engines.”

  Roderick handed his paperwork to the clerks, grabbed his bags and then left the courthouse. While he was walking down the street towards the part of town that lead to the path to his ship, he was joined by someone quite familiar. “You’re not coming with me to my ship.” He immediately declared.

  “I know.” Emma answered. “Just to the edge of town.”

  “How is your mom doing?” Roderick asked.

  “She’s doing fine.” Emma answered. “Mom found an old artefact where you said it would be. How did you know that?”